The cobblestone streets of the italian historic center come alive with people on pilgrimage and others heading to the square to participate in the festivities.
€120.00 al mq
SCOGLI wallcovering
Scogli wallpaper, with its light cyan and orange hues, takes inspiration from the coasts of Puglia.
€120.00 al mq
TRAMORO wallcovering
The sunset, with its autumn or spring tones, is one of the most beautiful in Salento.
€120.00 al mq
BAIA CIOLO wallcovering
Baia Ciolo wallcovering, in sky blue and bondi blue, brings a piece of Puglia with it.
€120.00 al mq
PLUME wallcovering
Plume wallpaper, featuring shades of pink and black, is inspired by the flamingos that populate the most beautiful protected areas in Puglia.
€120.00 al mq
PROFUMO MARINO wallcovering
Profumo Marino wallcovering, in pastel turquoise and black, is a piece of the sea.
€120.00 al mq
BENEFICENT wallcovering
Beneficent wallpaper is inspired by nature, particularly by the beneficial plants of Puglia.